server exploits the measurements delivered from all networked anchor nodes and computes in real-time the measured Euclidean distances to a set of Cartesian coordinates for the moving transponder.
server receives the new measures whenever and wherever set to motion ad the motion is detected: The actual location is determined within short time and delivered to the defined distribution.
server sends the computed location back to the moving node, when required, e.g. to the transportation vehicle.
server may be installed as a mobile server on the vehicle which shall be located and which receives data from the anchor transponders.
server is linked to the anchor nodes via wired LAN or WLAN or fibre LAN and requires no synchronisms. The server may be implemented as a virtual server and basically requires neither synchronisms nor timing privileges.
server may be operated independently and timely parallel to further servers, which compute the coordinates of the own location.
virtual server may be implemented as well as a mobile server on a transportation vehicle, that shall be located and which receives data from the anchor transponders.
server may control the measurement of several mobile servers through selected anchor transponders to reduce the time for measurement and transmission.